Robert Olley Logo

Robert Olley

Robert Olley Artwork – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor

Who is Robert Olley?

A beautiful collection of our father's work, with products ranging from original pieces to fridge magnets.

This company is:


South Tyneside, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Robert Olley

      Coal Mining Prints - The Girder Men
 – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor image


Coal Mining Prints - The Girder Men – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor

41 x 51cm signed print "These teams were called back-bye workers and odd job men.  They seldom went on the coal face and were responsible for supplying materials needed around the mine." - Bob Olley Robert Olley Artwork ©

      Coal Mining Prints - The Snuff Tin
 – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor image


Coal Mining Prints - The Snuff Tin – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor

38 x 28cm signed print "Smoking underground was a serious offence with serious penalties.  Many miners would substitute the craving for a smoke by chewing tobacco or taking snuff, both could be purchased from the canteen.  Snuff, which was ground tobacco leaves, was usually placed on the back of the hand or held betwee

      North East Art Prints - Bath Night
 – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor image


North East Art Prints - Bath Night – Robert Olley - North East Artist & Sculptor

Signed print 28cm x 23cm Bath night was usually a Friday night.  The tin bath would be unhooked from its nail in the back yard wall, brought into the house and placed on the clippy mat infront of the roaring coal fire. Hot water would be ladled into the bath from the boiler at the side of the cast-iron range, mam would

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Contact of Robert Olley

City: South Tyneside

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Robert Olley

The company Robert Olley is located in South Tyneside, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Robert Olley has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Robert Olley has it's main focus in the industries of Others